My goal is not only to improve myself but also make a difference in other people's lives, inspire them, and let them know they have the power to change.
I appreciate the folks who've read my blog & took the time to contact me and say they are being inspired. When we are promoters of positive energy and encourage others with our sincere and supportive comments we get back something much greater in return. I try to practice this in my daily life and be happy for others when they accomplish important milestones.
"Encourage others and share in the fortune of success."
..So three things happened this week to encourage me:
1) I ran into a guy at the gym who I see often in the free weight room. He's in great shape (and by that I mean he can lift 100 lb dumbbells with relative ease) ...and this guy is probably in his 50s. He looked at me, smiled and tossed a compliment my way: "You're looking good." I was pleasantly surprised. Just 3 words can really give someone a boost and make their day.
2) I stopped by Vitamin Barn to see if they carried a certain line of nutritional supplements. They didn't have what I wanted, but I explained to the owner why I was looking for them and what my goals were. She was so nice and supportive that she gave me an entire bag full of samples of the exact products I was in search of and even a few others. This way I could try them before buying in bulk. As we talked, I realized she had a wealth of information and knowledge that she was willing to share. As a result of our conversation, I'm going to switch the type of protein supplement and nutrition shake I use. The protein supplement she uses and recommends is a whey protein product whose label clearly states "no artificial sweeteners; made from hormone-free and antibiotic-free cows." My products are either processed soy (not so good) as opposed to natural and non-GMO (or non genetically-modified) or whey protein that doesn't have the hormone/antibiotic free disclaimer. She explained that 90% of the processed soy on the market is genetically-modified and they have estrogenic effects on women that are undesirable (causing reproductive issues and a host of other problems). She actually validated what Jillian Michaels has mentioned previously in some of her books and podcasts...but that's a topic for another day. :)

I'm grateful for the resources, knowledge, and support and most of all thankful for the motivation to just keep going in spite of any obstacles and make this a lifestyle.
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