One such woman I have tremendous respect and admiration for is ALI VINCENT -- the first female contestant to ever win "The Biggest Loser" reality show competition. With her astounding 112 lb weight loss, the very spunky and stylish Ali has now parlayed her success into a career as a motivational speaker, author, and on-air spokesperson.
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Ali Vincent Before and After |
A picture is worth a thousand words and this one says it all! At 5'5" and 32 years of age, Ali weighed in at 239 lbs with a BMI of 39. Through healthy nutrition and vigorous exercise Ali worked her tail off to lose 47.9% of her body fat and weigh in at the finale a slim and adorable 122 lbs. Even though she and her mother were eliminated in week 4, she earned a spot back at the ranch after winning a weigh-in of eliminated contestants in a unique, curveball production twist.
The Biggest Loser show filmed here in Los Angeles is a fat camp for adults on speed! Contestants work out for 6-8+ hours a day with hard-charging trainers Bob and Jillian. For most of us in the real world this simply isn't feasible or practical, but we have to remember that many of the contestants at the ranch are over 300, 400 and even 500 lbs. This is a very accelerated weight loss program for them which might take 2 years under more normal circumstances. Sometimes the soreness from my 1 or 2 hour workouts is almost unbearable so I can't imagine what these contestants go through...and it's all edited down for a 1 hour show so we really have no idea how difficult this is....
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Ali Vincent at "Biggest Loser" Finale Show |
But Ali and all of the other successful contestants prove what can be done when you have enough drive, desire and determination. There's no lap band or gastric bypass here. Just lots of running, lifting, kicking, squatting, punching, rowing and yes, hurling to go along with it. Sweat equity at its best!!!
"Big sweeping life changes really boil down to small everyday decisions." - Ali Vincent (Biggest Loser, Season 5)

Congratulations to Ali for all of her success and for proving that losing weight is about more than just dropping pounds!! It's about transforming from the inside out. Ali reminds us that anything is possible when you follow your dream.