Lap Band Surgery Illustration |
I realize everyone has to follow their own path, but every time I see a commercial or hear an advertisement for lap band or gastric bypass surgery, especially those annoying "1800-GET THIN" commercials, I just shake my head. When people try to solve their weight issues by working from the outside-in, instead of the inside-out it usually doesn't work or produce lasting change in many cases. As an example, there are three contestants on this season of "The Biggest Loser" who have had risky, expensive and painful weight loss surgeries in the past and all have gained the weight back plus some. I see these surgeries as a "band-aid on a cancer," especially if people don't get to the bottom of what caused them to overeat and be sedentary in the first place. I used to think something that would shock, disappoint or anger some people and that is "Weight loss surgery is for
Losers." Now I believe "Weight Loss Surgery is a perceived "quick fix" for the: 1)
Lost and
Lonely 2)
Low on Energy & Self-Esteem and 4)
Lacking in drive and discipline" etc.
Why do I say this? Because the same results can be accomplished with a commitment to change, eliminating bad habits and replacing them with good ones. Yes it involves discipline, dedication and determination -- something many people have not yet discovered within themselves....but everyone is capable.
When I started out on my journey several months ago, my intention was to lose body fat and fit into a smaller dress size. What started out as a
physical transformation; however, has now morphed into a
life transformation. What I've realized along this journey is that by falling in love with myself, eliminating negative self-talk, and focusing on how I want to improve myself holistically, I'm making positive, lasting, life changes or transforming from the inside-out.
I've been concentrating on the internal just as much as the external. For me that means "being a better me" in every way I can -- spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, financially, and physically. As such, I've spent the last few months reading self-help books, attending wellness seminars and events, and surrounding myself with others who are also on a similar journey to self-improvement and empowerment. It has made a tremendous difference in my overall well-being and self-confidence.
"1 vs 100" on GSN |
I'm now taking more risks and stepping out on faith in many areas of my life. I haven't blogged in awhile because I've been so busy with many of these new ventures and adventures. ;) One of my goals is to explore my creative side more (especially in the entertainment industry). Recently I auditioned for and was selected to be in the mob for the TV game show "1 vs. 100" which will
"The Mob" |
air on the Game Show Network (GSN) on 11/15/10 at 7 PM ET. I've been on other game shows in the past including "Pyramid" with Donny Osmond where, to my surprise, I was fortunate enough to land in the winner 's circle, but this audition and show taping for "1 vs. 100" was different. I felt more alive, more at ease and more confident then ever. I'm sure a lot of that had to do with the fact that I looked and felt better. To boot, the positive changes I've made in my life over the past several months have given me a newfound confidence. I was told that out of thousands of people who auditioned, the casting team and producers selected me (and the other mob members) to be on the show for up to 40 different episodes, so that's pretty cool. I've also met some really wonderful new friends through this process.
This month I inked a film financing deal as an investor with a writer, producer and director working on his 2nd feature film. I'm so excited to be involved in this project, learn more about this aspect of the business as well as generate some future capital.
Last month I shot an informercial for a product called "
CarMD." This is a small device you can buy for just $99 which diagnoses your car's mechanical problems and will save you a ton of money in repair costs over the life of your car. They used both me and my car as a testimonial and this should start airing this month I'm told. I had fun on the set.
Oprah Winfrey |
In addition I recently had the opportunity to "Skype" in to a new show and ask a question of one of Oprah's experts. This show (now untitled), is slated to debut on
OWN (Oprah Winfrey's Network) soon. I've always wanted to Skype into her show. It took all of 10 minutes (short and sweet). I'm realizing more and more just how small Hollywood is . I found out after my taping that the producer who filmed/recorded me had previously auditioned me for another show a few years back which did not work out. This time, to my shock, he was singing my praises and even asked if he could use me for shoots in the future.
Speaking of Oprah, my sincere hope is to make it to Chicago for a show taping during her 25th finale season. I have never been and the one time this year that I was able to get last-minute tickets, my compadres could not clear their schedules to go....so I'm putting this desire back into the universe. ;)
Finally, I have taken on a new passion that I'm not quite ready to share yet. It's something I'm super-excited about that has the potential to be life-changing and enable me to realize more of my dreams. Many of my closest friends (new and old) have been sharing valuable information which is enabling tremendously as I pursue this path. They are saving me a lot of time, headache, heartache and money with their valuable advice and guidance and for that I am so thankful.
The point of conveying all of this is to show what can happen when you start to make one positive change in your life. It just opens doors to more and more amazing opportunities. One stepping stone leads to bigger stepping stones. The high vibrational frequency of your positive thoughts draws people to you who might not ordinarily be drawn to you. People will offer their assistance and encouragement even when you don't ask. This has all happened to me just in the last few months.
So accomplishment and success for me has become more than just the number on the scale. It's the confidence I feel when I look in the mirror, the warmth I feel when I meet total strangers, the openness and optimism I have that anything is possible in the universe.
October is
"National Domestic Violence Month"