Did you know that just a
10% reduction in body fat substantially improves your health and reduces your risk for heart disease, hypertension, stroke, cancer and diabetes?! As someone who has a family history of all of these diseases I realize how important it is to take ownership of my body and my health before it's too late. I've lost a total of 7-8% body fat thus far so I am well on my way to achieving that milestone. What goals have you set for yourself and what milestones have you achieved?
"Strive for Progress, not Perfection" - Bill Phillips (Body-for-Life)

You'll probably notice that I reference Body-for-Life and Bill Phillips a lot in my blog. When I began eating healthy and working out several years ago, his book was my referential bible for fitness & nutrition. If you're just getting started or just want a refresher it's a great read. Available at
Ok, I wanted to share my "TOP 5 TIPS" which have worked for me in losing 16 lbs thus far. Some of these may look familiar to you but I guess a little positive reinforcement is never a bad thing. :) Okay so here goes:
First of all you've gotta
EAT, you gotta
SLEEP and you gotta
1) (
EAT) - Eat 5-6 small meals a day which include a protein and a carb to balance your blood sugar and avoid the spikes which will cause you to get hungrier and eat more. Focus on eating complex carbs like vegetables, brown rice etc.
2) Write down and document everything you eat and calculate your calorie burn every day. You may say, "well that sounds like a pain in the a$$" or "I don't have time to do that", but if you want to see good results you have to know what's going in your mouth. The bottom line is we all too often underestimate the calories we're consuming and overestimate our level of activity or exercise.

3) Drink water, water, water all day, everyday! Your body needs it more than you'll ever know. Our muscles are made up of about 70% water. Water is essential to transport nutrients like vitamins and minerals throughout your body. If you've ever felt sluggish and tired, it may be because you're very dehydrated and your body's ability to transport nutrients is compromised because you're not drinking enough of it. There's often a buildup of waste (i.e., ammonia, urea, uric acid and other junk in your body). So drink at least 8, 8-ounce servings of water a day.
4) (
SLEEP) - Get 7-8 hours of sleep a night. Lack of adequate sleep is linked to excess fat and increases the risk of abdominal obesity (or the dreaded belly bloat). This one was hard for me because I'm a night owl and I love to stay up late watching TV and surfing the 'Net.... but lack of adequate sleep alters hormones that control hunger and increase your appetite for calorie-dense foods like bread, candy, and chips. The later you stay up the hungrier you get and you're more likely to snack on foods that will completely ruin your calorie deficit. So word to the wise -- get plenty of sleep.
5) (
MOVE) - This tip has made the biggest difference in my progress. Exercise burns excess calories so they don't get stored as fat. Simple as that. The best exercise for you to do to lose weight is that which you love. Some people like to run. I personally hate running. So I'm not going to force myself to run and be miserable. Instead, I do other forms of cardio like kickboxing, dance classes and elliptical machines. But also, (and I can't stress this enough especially to all of the women out there), we need some form of resistance training or weight training in our exercise regimen (about 2-3 days a week). While cardio provides the quick calorie burn that lasts only as long as you're exercising, resistance training gives you a slow calorie burn so you burn calories even when you're at REST! It's also the best way to re-sculpt and reshape your body!! So start off with a few days of cardio and a few days of weight training if you're a beginner. Try to work your way up to a total of 6 days of exercise a week (1 hour sessions) to see maximum results.
In the future I'll be featuring a few of my favorite
Jenny Craig snacks and meals. For anyone who has not tried the program, it definitely works and the food is tasty. If you are busy like me and don't really have time to shop for groceries, prep, cook, & clean up the kitchen etc., I'd highly recommend a program like Jenny Craig to get you started. Until next time.... :)